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Sundays During COVID
As we look forward to opening our church for public worship once again on June 28, we ask that all members become familiar with the following guidelines and changes:
1. All high-risk members (those over the age of 65) should consider the wisdom of continuing to worship from home using Zoom.
2. Two services will be held, each lasting 45 minutes, with time in between for exit and sanitation.
3. Wear masks at all times while in the church building, and remain six feet away from all non-household members.
4. Refrain from using the water fountain.
5. Use hand sanitizer stations (located in hallways and bathrooms) upon entering and leaving the building.
6. Two Worship Services will be held, from 10 to 10:45 and 11:15 to 12, respectively. Please wait to be escorted to your seat by an usher.
7. If you become ill, please worship at home via Zoom and inform the church elders.
8. Refrain from shaking hands and hugging.
9. All offerings should be placed in the box located at the back of the sanctuary, as you enter or exit.
10. Allow ushers to open and close doors for you.
11. Only one occupant is allowed per restroom. Utilize vacant/occupied signs.
12. Refrain from fellowship after the service. Exit the building and parking lot expeditiously.
13. No nursery services will be provided at this time, but children are very welcome to remain in the worship service.
14. If you are exposed to an individual who may have or has COVID, notify the elders within 48 hours.
15. In dealing with exposure cases, elders will privately inform any individuals who may have been exposed.
Please download a more detailed, printable version of our guidelines for you and your family here.
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